Meeting Standards
Waste recycling, especially recycling food waste and animal by-products, is subject to extensive legal controls. Over the years we’ve built up detailed knowledge and understanding of these ever-changing requirements, so when we handle your waste you can be sure you’re complying with industry regulations too.

Anyone who produces, transports, treats or recycles waste must meet strict Duty of Care requirements. Making sure our AD plants and composting sites operate in compliance with all planning, environmental and health & safety legislation is a complicated and lengthy process. Our proven technology and considerable expertise ensures we can obtain all the required permits and approvals to remove and recycle your waste through our network.
Before we handle and process your food and garden waste, we must first obtain the appropriate permits from the Environment Agency (EA), Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Natural Resources Wales (NRW). Rules vary between different parts of the UK but, wherever you are, you can rely on Biogen to follow the letter of the law.
A permit or an exemption from permitting is also required from the EA, SEPA and NRW in order to spread digestate and compost onto land. Spreading must also comply with all applicable codes of good practice in agriculture and any local requirements, such as those applying to Nitrate Vulnerable Zones.
An animal by-products approval must be sought from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (executive body of DEFRA) for anaerobic digesters and composting sites treating feedstocks containing animal by-products.
Biogen holds ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and our compost and biofertiliser products are both PAS 100 and PAS 110 certified.
You can view a copy of our health and safety policy here.
You can view a copy of our quality policy here.